Hopefully the miniature round up will be a regular feature on the Miniature Gaming News where I can update you on the goings on in the miniature hobby.
This week I picked up a copy of Fantasy Flights Games "Mastercraft Anthology" this is a $4.99 compendium of excerpts from some of their most popular series. Although it is a d20 product it includes some great reference material on such things as fighter classes, naval combat and traps and treasures! Definitely worth it for a 'lincoln'.
Speaking of d20, WotC stores are steadily depleting their non-Wotc miniature and RPG products. Couple that with a going out of business sale and you get 75% off! Which is exactly what I got when I picked up the GURPS Imperial Rome supplement for $5.00. This is probably one of the best sources of everthing Rome I have seen put together. It contains notes on the government, the people, the legions, the arena, and religion. In addition it includes border text on possible "adventure seeds" which are just perfect for ideas for miniature game scenarios.
Probably the best grab of all were some sets of Dwarven Forge miniatures. Dwarven Forge is probably best known for its Master Maze series of resin dungeon layouts. However, they also do pre-painted resin miniatures. I picked up several sets of the Skeletons and Orcs and was quite impressed with the quality of the paint jobs. At about $2.00 per pack I would definitely recommend getting as many of these as you can.
Posted by deanoware
at 4:25 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 19 April 2003 4:22 PM EDT